
March 25, 2012

A Little Bit of Light Painting...

Recently I have been experimenting with light painting a little more. If I do say so myself some of the photos turned out great. I do so love playing with long exposure photography! It's so much fun to paint with a touch and run around to the back of the camera to see what I've managed to get.

I am developing a little collection of vintage cameras (must admit I've got my eye on a few more!). The Nikkormat in the above photo is one of my dad's old cameras. I would dearly love to get it in proper working order again but unfortunately that is a little out of my budget at the moment.

I picked up the above camera on eBay for only $10! Unfortunately it doesn't work either but I still think its a total bargain if you ask me. I have a few interesting photoshoots planned with this pretty little camera.

Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to photograph my cute little d5000. And, boy, let me tell you it does seem little compared to my d7000. It's funny to think that this was my first ever dslr and that I've had it for almost 3 years. I don't think I could ever part with it... There's a little too much sentimental value attached to it!

Of course what light painting without a bit of good old-fashioned steel wool spinning? I decided to use my external flash (popped by a helpful friend) to make it into a self-portrait!

I decided to make a little video of my latest steel wool spinning adventure. One thing (well actually many things) became obvious - I need to get WAY better at editing if I'm planning to make any more videos!

It's kind of fun to watch the video of what I look like spinning the steel wool because when I'm spinning it is of course from a completely different perspective. I think I might try my hand at making a few more videos (if I can think of interesting subjects!) If you have the equipment why not give it a try? I'll always enjoy photography the most though.

I hope you had a fantastic week!


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